Để lập trình nên một website chúng ta cần frontend và cả backend. Việc thiết kế giao diện frontend có lẽ là những người làm lập trình không cần phải quan tâm nhiều vì đã có đội ngũ design thực hiện. Còn đối với backend thì design ít khi thực hiện. Dưới đây xin giới thiệu với mọi người 5 giao diện dành cho admin mà tôi thích nhất, đồng thời cũng là những giao diện bạn có thể sử dụng để thiết kế backend cho mình.
Phụ mục
1. Simpla Admin – Flexible & User Friendly Admin skin
Sử dụng JQuery để tạo các hiệu ứng, đây là một template admin được sử dụng phổ biến.
2. Complete Liquid Admin Control Panel
Complex Liquid Admin template that contains a login page as well as a modular content page that includes all the elements you could possibly need in your admin. From these elements you should be able to generate any required page.
Please open the preview to check out all the elements.
Liquid as oposed to a fixed size means all the screen real-estate is used in the most efficient manner possible and also eliminates compatibility issues with non-standard, very low or very high screen resolutions.
Tableless CSS coding, cross-browser compatible and very stylish. Impress your customers today !
The template includes all page .psd files as well as slices and should be Easy to customise with medium knowledge of Photoshop and CSS .
3. Admintasia-Powerful backend admin user interface
Admintasia is a complete backend administration user interface that has the flexibility to house any kind of application. It loads last, it’s intuitive and easy to use, it uses only three small images and it also looks good.
Admintasia’s layout is very customizable. With the help of my helper CSS classes you can, for example divide the main content area into one big box and two small ones, or three smaller one, or two big ones. You want two notification boxes side by side? No problem, just add a css class and you’re done and this goes for allmost all elements. Everything is fluid. Also, there is an option in the sidebar from which you can set a fixed page width.
4. Profi Admin – Administration for the professionals
Profi Admin is a clean and simple style template but it’s complexity and expandability goes beyond expectations. The big visual menu creates the intuitive navigation while the tabbed and the hidden submenu expands the structure to 3 menu levels. Inspired by the WordPress Administration layout.
5. Boxie Admin
Modern looking design, easy to use user interface (UI) and cool user experience (UX).
Made in terms of progressive enhancement (using CSS3 properties in order to get as clean code as possible with less images etc.) and with graceful degradation in mind = looks great in modern browsers and good in older browsers as well (just take a look at live preview).
Really clean & professional code using the latest web standards optimized for fast loading, accessibility, semantics and so on. Also using jQuery.
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